

Started listening to David Bowie systematically. My very first is 1977 album LOW. Tell me if you have any favorites of his songs. 



I have LesMills BODYPUMP classes now: Tuesdays, Thursdays 12:15 and Saturdays 6pm. My collegue Agnese is giving her classes Mondays and Fridays 4pm, Wednesdays 8pm. Remember, you have to sign up for a class, just call: 00371 27887188. By the way, the new, 73rd release of BODYPUMP coming soon- going for quarterly training on March 4th to Tallinn.

Nike Training Club:

Today we had first NTC class in the club. Photos posted here. Soon will be announced time of my Nike Training Club class.  We have in club already NTC class on Wednesday 4pm and will have starting from March: Mondays 6pm and Thursdays 5pm. Try this, it is very positively loaded and full of energy! (wanna try? Write me to kasozo@yahoo.com and win a free class pass!)

NTC instructor training is gonna happen on 24th of February. Trainers, it’ s your time to learn something new! Sign up for educational training: artofralfs@yahoo.com

DCH ETNO project:

Visiting Jelgava on 20th of February.

Educational training for  this class: 28th of February. Sign up for educational training: danchooteek@yahoo.com, I’ll be happy to teach new people this vital fitness class. Tomorrow, 11th and 18th of February come to join the Etno class 6pm and see what’s new we done with choreography.



  1. Mana David Bowie favorītdziesma ir Changes un Ashes to Ashes


  2. Nav taču iepriekš jāpierakstās uz šo nodarbību..?

  3. vēl domājam. izskatās, ka varētu būt, bet tad arī to noziņošu
